20 December 2024: We were asked to inquire into Tauranga City Council’s decision to sell the Tauranga Marine Precinct. The matter is now before the courts and, in light of that, we will not carry out an inquiry.
20 December 2024: We were asked to inquire into Tauranga City Council’s decision to sell the Tauranga Marine Precinct. The matter is now before the courts and, in light of that, we will not carry out an inquiry.
13 December 2024: We are looking at how well three government departments understand the needs of people in immediate housing need and connect them to the appropriate support.
29 November 2024: We are carrying out a performance audit to look at how two councils are planning to manage flood risks from rivers, lakes, and streams.
14 November 2024: The Auditor-General has looked at how well Immigration New Zealand manages its decision-making processes for skilled residence visas, and how well it reports on its performance.
7 November 2024: ClimateScanner is a global initiative to independently assess how governments around the world are responding to climate change. The Auditor-General has completed the first assessment for New Zealand.
5 November 2024: The Auditor-General has looked at the actions of Environment Canterbury, Christchurch City Council, Nelson City Council, and Whanganui District Council in responding to the local impacts of climate change.
31 October 2024: The Auditor-General has decided to carry out an inquiry into how Ministerial conflicts of interest are identified and managed.
23 October 2024: The Auditor-General has looked at whether the Ministry of Education’s approach to promoting equitable educational outcomes in Years 1-13 is informed by comprehensive, current, reliable, and relevant information.
14 October 2024: We have set the terms of reference for an inquiry into the procurement and contract management practices of Oranga Tamariki – Ministry for Children.
26 September 2024: The Auditor-General has followed up to assess Auckland Council’s progress in responding to the recommendations of three external reviews into the council’s emergency response and emergency management systems.
24 September 2024: We’re carrying out a performance audit to look at the effectiveness of Auckland Transport’s work to ensure that public transport in Tāmaki Makaurau is reliable.
17 July 2024: We will be carrying out an audit to determine how well public organisations are set up to meet their Treaty settlement commitments.
11 July 2024: We are looking at the Council's responses to reviews after extreme weather events in early 2023, and its emergency preparedness more generally.
21 May 2024: The Auditor-General has followed up on a previous recommendation to consider how well four regional councils work with iwi and hapū to manage freshwater quality.
7 May 2024: The Auditor-General has independently reviewed the Electoral Commission’s quality assurance processes for counting votes.
4 April 2024: We are looking at whether cyber security risks are governed effectively in selected public organisations.
3 April 2024: This performance audit will look at how Waka Kotahi New Zealand Transport Agency makes sure that the individuals and organisations that issue warrants or certificates of fitness are meeting inspection requirements.
20 February 2024: The Auditor-General examined how well the Ministry for Primary Industries monitors importers of higher-risk foods.
15 February 2024: The Auditor-General has looked at how well government agencies work together to understand and meet the mental health needs of young people aged 12-24.
31 January 2024: We are looking at how well Immigration New Zealand is managing its process for skilled residence visas.