13 December 2023: The Auditor-General has examined the processes that were used to make funding decisions on two major infrastructure investment programmes announced by the Government in 2020
13 December 2023: The Auditor-General has examined the processes that were used to make funding decisions on two major infrastructure investment programmes announced by the Government in 2020
7 December 2023: The Auditor-General has completed an inquiry into Callaghan Innovation’s procurement process for its Founder and Start-Up Support programme.
5 December 2023: The Auditor-General, John Ryan, has decided to carry out a review into aspects of the quality assurance processes in place for the vote count in the 2023 general election.
9 November 2023: This performance audit will look at how well a selection of councils are putting their climate change strategies, commitments, and plans into action
16 October 2023: This performance audit will look at how well the Ministry for Primary Industries monitors importers of higher-risk food.
2 October 2023: We’re carrying out a performance audit that will look at the effectiveness of government arrangements to address child poverty.
30 August 2023: The Ministry of Housing and Urban Development has made some significant achievements in its five years leading the housing and urban development system. The Ministry’s challenge now is to lead the delivery of its strategies and plans.
28 June 2023: Although Auckland Council has made progress over the past few years and is better placed to respond to emergencies, it still has much to do to improve its preparedness for responding.
27 June 2023: We looked at how 10 government agencies are working to understand and respond to the needs of people affected by family violence and sexual violence.
1 June 2023: We wanted to understand how public organisations are using funding that has been committed specifically to support improved outcomes for Māori, and what has been achieved as a result.
4 April 2023: Parliament has appointed Andrew McConnell as the next Deputy Controller and Auditor-General. He will start in the role on 1 May 2023.
30 March 2023: The Auditor-General’s report has found NZDF needs to act with urgency to create a safe, respectful, and inclusive environment for all its personnel.
14 February 2023: The public service needs clear expectations for progressing whanau-centred approaches where appropriate. Also, Te Puni Kōkiri needs a clearer and stronger mandate for broadening whānau-centred approaches.
9 February 2023: We’re carrying out a performance audit that will look at how the Ministry of Education uses information to understand and address inequities in education.
31 January 2023: We completed most 30 June 2022 audits with a statutory time frame of 30 September 2022 on time, including the audit of the Financial Statements of the Government. However, auditor shortages, challenging immigration settings, staff turnover, and higher sick leave (in audit firms and in public organisations) continue to affect some public sector audits with later statutory time frames.