Update on the Auditor-General's Te Wānanga o Aotearoa inquiry
The Auditor-General’s inquiry into Te Wānanga o Aotearoa is not yet complete.
In the terms of reference for the inquiry published on 18 March 2005, we said that we intended to report in stages. However, as the issues are complex and inter-related, we subsequently decided to address all of the terms of reference in a single report.
This single report has been drafted, and was distributed to directly affected parties in August for comment. We have now received the last of those comments.
The comments are detailed and extensive. We need to carefully consider them before we finalise and publish the report. There may also be a need to clarify some comments. This is an important part of our process, in order to ensure fairness to affected parties.
We expect to publish the report in December.
Kevin Brady
21 October 2005
Contact for enquiries
Wendy Venter, Assistant Auditor-General
tel: +64 4 917 1500
e-mail: Wendy.Venter@oag.govt.nz