Our short-term priorities

Each year, we set out our priorities in our annual plan. This is a summary of that content.

In the next year, our work will focus on:

  • strengthening our core assurance role;
  • increasing our impact with public organisations;
  • enhancing our impact in te ao Maori; and
  • building on our reputation as a source of trusted information.

Strengthening our core assurance role

The public audit system provides assurance that public organisations report relevant and reliable information about their finances and performance to Parliament, councils, governors, and the public.

In 2024/25, we will audit about 3300 public organisations. This work is carried out by Audit New Zealand and private sector audit firms appointed by the Auditor-General.

The public audit system is critical to effective public accountability. However, it is under significant pressure. We have a range of work planned and under way to continue strengthening the public audit system.

See "Part 3: Strengthening our core assurance role" in our Annual plan 2024/25.

Increasing our impact with public organisations

As the auditor of every public organisation, the Auditor-General is in a unique position to influence improvements in performance and accountability practices across the public sector. This includes raising issues that we observe from our work and promoting examples of good practice in matters we have particular interest and expertise in.

Our work to influence positive change in the accountability practices of public organisations helps support Parliament in its scrutiny role and keep the public well informed.

Our priorities for increasing our impact in public organisations are:

See "Part 4: Increasing our impact with public organisations" in our Annual plan 2024/25.

Enhancing our impact in te ao Maori 

The public sector needs to perform well for all New Zealanders.

Data regularly demonstrates that Māori experience poorer social and economic outcomes and generally have lower levels of trust in government compared to some other population groups.

In 2024/25, we want to continue building the relevance and impact of our work for Māori.

See "Part 5: Enhancing our impact in te ao Māori" in our Annual plan 2024/25.

Building on our reputation as a source of trusted information

Trust in governments, media, institutions, and professionals is declining worldwide. Misinformation and disinformation are becoming more prevalent.

Our work can shine a light on matters of public interest regarding public sector performance. We aim to be balanced and fair while fulfilling our independent mandate and carrying out our statutory functions to help Parliament and the public hold public organisations to account.

Across all of our work, we believe we can support trust in government by better communicating and connecting public organisations and the public to the work we do. In 2024/25, we will focus on using our knowledge and reputation better to increase the impact of our work.

Our communications and engagement strategy will set a path to achieve this. The proposed work in our latest annual plan is intended to increase the value and impact of all of our work.

See "Part 6: Building on our reputation as a source of trusted information" in our Annual plan 2024/25.

Page updated: 1 July 2024