Our recommendations

Regulating vehicle safety inspections.

We recommend that the New Zealand Transport Agency Waka Kotahi:

  1. ensure that it has a clear and consistent process for reappointing vehicle inspectors and inspecting organisations when their appointment term expires;
  2. more clearly describe how vehicle inspections, and its regulation of vehicle inspectors and inspecting organisations, contribute to vehicle safety and the objectives and outcomes it wants to achieve;
  3. further develop its data and analytics capability to:
    • understand how to better prioritise its resources for regulating vehicle inspectors and inspecting organisations;
    • provide more in-depth insights to inform ongoing improvements; and
    • measure the impact of its work; and
  4. regularly publish information about the impact of its regulation of vehicle inspectors and inspecting organisations and about the progress it has made with recommendations from internal and external reviews.

We recommend that the New Zealand Transport Agency Waka Kotahi and the Ministry of Transport:

  1. progress work to ensure that vehicle inspection requirements are:
    • easier to access and understand;
    • easier to change; and
    • fit for purpose for all vehicles, including those with modern safety systems.