Response from the Ministry of Social Development

Appendix 1 – Self-assessment table

Recommendation 5 We recommend that the Social Wellbeing Board / the Ministry of Social Development consider how to better enable whānau-centred approaches in developing and implementing the Government’s new relational approach to commissioning social services.
Status Partially completed
Comments on status given above

MSD, as lead for Social Sector Commissioning, has just released guidance for government agencies to support the implementation of relational commissioning. We are also providing advice to Ministers on the next phase of social sector commissioning work.

The Kotahitanga Service Change is one part of Te Pae Tawhiti, our multi-year programme to transform MSD across three areas, including working better with partners and reducing red tape so they can focus on helping people. As part of this work, we are testing and learning different ways of commissioning social services. This work also incorporates progressing MSD commitments for social sector commissioning.

Date commenced

The work to improve the way government agencies commission social services began in 2018.

In June 2023 Cabinet approved MSD’s Detailed Business Case to progress MSD’s programme of transformation, Te Pae Tawhiti.

Date completed or due to be completed The Te Pae Tawhiti programme will span nine years, but we will deliver changes in stages, or horizons, of three years each.