
Putting integrity at the core of how public organisations operate.

Ruia taitea kia tū ko taikākā anake – Strip away the sapwood and get to the heart of the matter.

This integrity framework is intended to support senior leaders and those in governance roles in upholding the integrity of New Zealand’s public sector and navigating the ethical challenges that the public sector faces.

It is designed to build on a public organisation’s own cultural and ethical values, emphasise the importance of ethical leadership and “tone from the top”, and enhance internal controls and business practices.

The framework is a tool to support the development of an integrity strategy and work programme. A good integrity strategy can help an organisation to understand its integrity risks and then identify and implement clear protective factors.

Operating with integrity will, in turn, continue to protect and improve the trust and confidence that New Zealanders have in the public sector.

I urge chief executives, leadership teams, and governing boards to consider this framework in the context of their own organisation and play their part in refining, enhancing, and strengthening the overall integrity system. In doing so, we can improve the collective ethical actions of public organisations to pursue their purposes for the public good.

Nāku noa, nā

John Ryan
Controller and Auditor-General | Tumuaki o te Mana Arotake

12 December 2024