Summary of our report
Why we did this work
The International Organisation of Supreme Audit Institutions’ ClimateScanner initiative requires supreme audit institutions to assess how governments are responding to climate change. The assessment identifies the strengths of that response and the challenges that each country faces. Our Office is one of more than 100 participating audit institutions.The report summarises the results of our rapid assessment. It provides a broad overview of government actions to respond to climate change and highlights areas for improvement.
The ClimateScanner methodology assesses climate actions grouped under three “axes” – finance, governance, and public policies. Because ClimateScanner is a rapid assessment methodology, it focuses on whether mechanisms, systems, or policies are in place. It does not assess their effectiveness.
ClimateScanner mainly focuses on the actions of central government. To make our assessment, we collected and reviewed publicly available documents and documents that central government organisations provided. The report summarises the results of our rapid assessment. It provides a broad overview of government actions to respond to climate change and highlights areas for improvement.
What next?
The results of our assessment will be consolidated with the results of the assessments of audit institutions in other participating countries. This will create a display of global data that will summarise the strengths of, and challenges in, government eff orts to take action on climate change around the world.