Lets Get Wellington Moving

Transport sector: A case study of sector-level reporting

Let’s Get Wellington Moving (LGWM) is a joint initiative between Wellington City Council, Greater Wellington Regional Council, and Waka Kotahi.

LGWM consists of major investments over the next 30 years in mass rapid transit, walking and cycling, public transport, and state highway improvements. The intended benefits of LGWM include greater liveability, more efficient and reliable access, reduced carbon emissions through a change in how people travel, and improved safety and resilience.

LGWM includes 12 projects across Wellington City at different stages of development and size (such as pedestrian projects in central Wellington, revitalisation of the “Golden Mile", and a second Mt. Victoria tunnel).

The funding for LGWM is split between central government (60%) and local government (40%). Greater Wellington Regional Council and Wellington City Council will decide independently how to fund their share.

LGWM is expected to cost $7.4 billion over 30 years (as of June 2023). However, many projects are still at the business case stage.

Funding is provided through several activity classes in the NLTP, including local road improvements, state highway improvements, and public transport infrastructure.

Significant concerns and challenges have been raised about the performance of LGWM, including those described in the December 2020 “health check” of LGWM.

How performance is reported

As part of their statutory reporting requirements, Waka Kotahi and local councils are required to report on the LGWM projects they are accountable for.

LGWM reports on its status and what is being done about individual projects on its website.

Waka Kotahi publishes up-to-date data about the funding allocated to LGWM projects through the NLTP on its website.

Current reporting on individual LGWM projects focuses on what activities have been done. However, there is no information on whether spending is on track with budget or delivery against time frames. There is also no broad reporting framework or consolidated reporting on LGWM across central and local government. This makes it difficult to understand how individual projects and LGWM as a whole are performing.

lets get wellington moving map

Note: Indication of LGWM projects under way, based on lgwm.nz