Our assessment framework

Transport sector: A case study of sector-level performance

Project background

To build and maintain trust and confidence in the public sector, it is important that New Zealanders have confidence in, and understand the value they are getting from public spending and how the government is performing. We know that the issues and questions that matter to Parliament and the public often relate to outcomes at a whole-of-society and sector level.

However, although select committees are increasingly focusing on scrutinising performance at a sector level, existing reporting by the public sector tends to focus on the agency level. We see an opportunity to provide a more comprehensive and integrated view of performance at a sector level, and the extent to which existing reporting presents this view.

Purpose of project

  • Test and explore what sector-level performance reporting could look like, drawing on publicly available information, and whether such reporting could improve how we support Parliament and the public.
  • Examine the extent to which current reporting supports sector-level performance reporting.


To produce a broad assessment of what performance story can be told at a sector-level, using the land transport sector as a case study.

Key overarching questions

  • Does the reporting generally reflect best practice features?
  • Well-balanced account of sector performance (for example, what went well and what did not)?
    Meaningful, relevant, and focused on what is important to Parliament and the public?
    Clear and easily accessible for Parliament and the public?
  • Māori perspectives and views on public accountability?
  • Does the reporting enable an integrated view of the performance of the sector in reporting on what outcomes the sector aims to achieve and how strategies, plans, initiatives, and resources are being used to achieve these outcomes?

Key performance element: What does the sector want to achieve? (sector outcomes)

Core questions

  • Does the sector have a clear and coherent set of outcomes of what it is aiming to achieve, which are meaningful and important to users and meaningful to assess the performance of the sector?
  • Is the reporting appropriately connected to relevant and broader Government outcomes (for example, the environment, urban development, and regional development)?
  • Is there a set of clear and meaningful outcomes that reflect what is important for Māori?
  • Are there comprehensive, appropriate, relevant, and meaningful measures for assessing progress against the outcomes?

Discretionary questions

  • Are there clearly defined outcomes for different parts of the sector and the public?
  • Have the public and service users (such as Māori, iwi, and communities) been involved in determining the sector’s outcomes and measures?
  • Do the measures align with international good practice?
  • Does the reporting reflect external influences (for example, the Covid-19 pandemic) on sector outcomes?

Key performance element: What does the sector do? (strategies and plans, major services, initiatives, and projects)

Core questions

  • Are there strategies and plans that clearly and coherently set out how the sector intends to achieve its outcomes through its major services, initiatives, and projects?
  • Is there clear reporting on the cost and performance (for example, benefits and progress) against major services, initiatives, and projects?
  • Is there evidence that strategies, policies, and major initiatives meet good practice for enabling a Māori-Crown relationship?

Discretionary questions

  • Are the roles and accountabilities of key entities clearly defined for developing and delivering on the strategies and plans, major services, initiatives, and projects?
  • Are the strategies and plans across central and local government entities well-aligned?
  • Are there robust business cases and cost-benefit analysis for major initiatives and projects?
  • Where there have been significant changes to a major initiative or project, is there clear reporting and/or updated business cases to demonstrate whether the initiatives and projects still reflect ongoing value for money?

Key performance element: What are the sector’s resources? (funding, human capital)

Core questions

  • Is there clear reporting on sources of funding, how funding is being spent on major services, initiatives, and projects, and how the sector intends to achieve its outcomes through the funding?
  • Does the reporting enable an assessment of how well the sector is managing its assets in a cost-effective manner to meet the needs of present and future users?
  • Is there clear reporting on how resources are being used to effectively serve Māori communities?

Discretionary questions

  • Are spending, and spending trends, aligned with outcomes and priorities in the sector?
  • Is there clear reporting on funding and spending trends for the sector?
  • Does the reporting on funding and spending trends enable an assessment of the financial sustainability of the sector?
  • Is there clear reporting on how the sector is balancing between proactive investment to manage risks and whole-of-life costs versus short-term fixes?
  • Is there quality and comprehensive data? Is there efficient and effective sharing of data and resources in the sector?