Annual plan 2023/24

29 June 2023: Our annual plan outlines our discretionary programme of work for 2023/24 – performance audits, special studies, regular reports and updates, and good practice guidance. This is work that we consider will help us to achieve our ultimate outcome – that Parliament and the public can have trust and confidence in New Zealand’s public sector.
John Ryan


"My Office works to improve trust and promote value in the public sector. As always, our plan looks at where we can best influence improvements in the performance and accountability of public organisations. I am pleased with the interest in our draft annual plan and the helpful feedback we received."

For the media

For media queries, please contact Mike Heine on 021 222 9708, Communications Advisor (Media).

We also have a collection of other corporate documents that explain our role and our work

What's in this annual plan?

In Part 1, we describe how we determine our work programme. Our strategic direction provides the context, then we draw on what we already know, incorporate the views of the public into our discretionary work, and consider what’s changing.

Part 2 sets out the work we will do to support our strategic priority of strengthening our core assurance role. We will focus on strengthening the public audit system and positioning Audit New Zealand for the future.

Part 3 describes how we intend to increase our impact with public organisations. We will focus on influencing the public accountability system and supporting parliamentary scrutiny; influencing the performance of public organisations; influencing more meaningful and useful performance reporting; increasing the focus on value for money; promoting a long-term view; and supporting strong organisational integrity practices.

Part 4 sets out our aims for enhancing our impact in te ao Māori - developing our strategy for te ao Māori and looking at public sector accountability to Māori. 

In Part 5, we focus on how we will be building on our reputation as a source of trusted information. We will produce our regular reports and focus on better using our knowledge and reputation.

In the Appendices, we:

Photo acknowledgement: Ginny Dunn.