
Figure 1 shows the joint venture’s structure and relationships as these were at the time of our audit. The Social Wellbeing Committee sits at the top, with the Ministerial Group directly below and the Lead Minister below the Ministerial Group. Alongside the Lead Minister are two groups: Te Rōpū Māori and Stakeholders. A line also connects Te Rōpū Māori to the Ministerial Group. The Joint Venture is in the middle of the diagram. Below the Joint Venture is the Director. The ten agencies that make up the joint venture are at the bottom of the diagram, supported by hapu, iwi, and whanau; communities; district health boards; non-governmental organisations, including Maori Kaupapa providers; and service providers. The ten agencies are the Ministry of Education, Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, Te Puni Kokiri, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Social Development, Oranga Tamariki, Ministry of Health, New Zealand Police, Department of Corrections, and the Accident Compensation Corporation. The Joint Venture Business Unit sits below the Director and connects to the agencies.