Briefing for the Education and Workforce Committee
Tertiary education institutions: Results of the 2018 audits.
Locations of tertiary education institutions
2018 at a glance
We audit all 27 public tertiary education institutions (TEIs) from Whangarei to Invercargill. | ||
232,000 of which 31,000 were international students. Overall, universities saw increases in domestic and international students, but numbers fell elsewhere. |
Number of full-time equivalent students* | |
Types pf TEI and number of EFTS | ||
8 universities (136,044) |
16 Institutes of Technology and Polytechnics (ITPS) (72,740) |
3 Wānanga (23,490) |
$5.4 billion up$116 million from 2017. |
Total revenue |
Surpluses and deficits All universities made a surplus, but 10 of the 16 ITPs made a combined loss of $81.6 million (2017:9 ITPs/$70 million loss). One Wānanga also made a loss. |
$14.7 billion in assets (up $610 million from 2017) $2.36 billion in liabilities (up $90 million from 2017) |
* The full-time equivalent student value is worked out by course length and complexity - it is not the same as headcount. |
Group surpluses/deficits by sub-sector 2015-2018
For further explanation of this briefing, please contact Pat Johnson, Sector Manager, Parliamentary Group on 04 917 1500 or email [email protected]
Audit results
24 of 27 reported on time Tai Poutini Polytechnic, WelTec, and Whitireia Community Polytechnic did not meet their statutory reporting obligations. Several other TEIs were under-prepared, but signed their statements of responsibility on time with a lot of effort and extra cost. |
Unmodified audit opinions 24 of 27 |
This means you can be assured that the financial statements are a fair reflection of the financial position of the TEI at year-end and its activities during the year. Three TEIs did not report, so we could not give them audit opinions. |
126 new recommendations for improvement TEIs addressed 115 recommendations from previous years, but 165 remained open – making a total of 291. |
291 Total number of outstanding recommendations and urgency |
Categories for new recommendations iin 2018 |
Top 4 1 – improving controls related to expenditure, including payroll 2 – improving the application of accounting or other policies 3 – improving performance reporting 4 – improving IT systems. |
"Emphasis of matter" paragraphs We used these in the 16 ITP audit reports to draw attention to the disclosures about uncertainty created by the Government's planned reforms of vocational education. |