Appendix 1: Summary of the public entities we audit, at June 2018

Annual plan 2018/19.
Entity categories Entities Subsidiaries and related entities Total
Central government entities
Government departments 39 18 57
Crown research institutes 7 6 13
District health boards 20 20 40
Tertiary education institutions 27 56 83
Other Crown entities 65 22 87
Other central government entities 97 20 117
State-owned enterprises and mixed-ownership companies 17 54 71
Rural education activities programmes 14 - 14
Schools 2420 46 2466
Local government entities
Local authorities 78 - 78
Council-controlled organisations - 168 168
Exempt council-controlled organisations - 28 28
Other local government entities - 52 52
Energy, airport, and port companies
Energy companies 19 24 43
Airport companies 19 2 21
Port companies 12 15 27
Other public entities
Fish and game councils 15 - 15
Licensing and community trusts 19 16 35
Administering bodies and boards 39 - 39
Cemetery trusts 91 - 91
Total 2998 547 3545