Appendix 1: Checklist for creating a document
Have you identified what the purpose of the document is? (What behaviour are you trying to change or encourage?)
Given that purpose, have you measured, or do you know, what the baseline of current behaviour is?
Have you identified how you will measure any change in that baseline?
Have you identified who (as specifically as possible) will be reading or using the document?
Have you identified in some detail when, where, and how your readers or users need to find or be given the document?
Given the above, have you thoughtfully designed the document to be most effective for them?
Have you considered how you can meet the needs of people who are not confident readers of English?
Have you provided easy-to-access help for the reader or user?
Does the document comply with established standards for how you present or deliver it?
Have you tested the document on potential readers or users to make sure that it will be effective?
Do you have robust internal checks and controls in place to guarantee that the information in your document is complete and correct?
Have you checked that the document is free of unnecessary information?
Have you considered where and how people can access supporting or explanatory information?
Is the main message of the document clear?
Is the structure logical?
Do headings guide the reader or user through the document so they don't feel lost or confused?
Does the document use familiar words?
Are any unfamiliar or technical words clearly explained?
Are the sentences mostly short (20 words or fewer) and simple?
Is the tone right for the type of document?
Do the paragraphs (or questions on a form) flow easily from one to the next?
Does the design of the document help to make the content easy to understand? (For example, by making the main points easy to see.)