Notes to the financial statements
for the year ended 30 June 2008.
- Note 1: Statement of accounting policies
- Note 2: Crown funding
- Note 3: Audit fees and other income
- Note 4: Personnel costs
- Note 5: Operating costs
- Note 6: Capital charge
- Note 7: Overdraft facility
- Note 8: Debtors and other receivables
- Note 9: Plant and equipment
- Note 10: Intangible assets
- Note 11: Creditors and other payables
- Note 12: Surplus payment due to the Crown
- Note 13: Employee entitlements
- Note 14: Reconciliation of surplus to net cash flow from operating activities
- Note 15: Related party transactions
- Note 16: Financial instrument risks
- Note 17: Categories of financial instruments
- Note 18: Management of taxpayers' funds (equity)
- Note 19: Explanation of major variances against budget
- Note 20: Office accommodation statistics
- Note 21: Explanation of transition to NZ IFRS