Appendix 2: Application requirements for the Shovel-Ready Programme

Making infrastructure investment decisions quickly.

Information sought from project applicants for the Shovel-Ready Programme included:

  • a project description;
  • costs, including a high-level breakdown of spending types;
  • the value the project would deliver in terms of employment contribution;
  • how the project was to be funded;
  • whether the project had previously applied for funding from any part of the government;
  • the project's construction readiness;
  • a timetable and key milestones;
  • social, economic, and/or environmental benefits to the local region and New Zealand, and overall value for money;
  • the expected contribution to local/national employment;
  • project risks, including a low/med/high rating;
  • the likelihood and timing of the project to go ahead once the Covid-19 Response Level was suitable for construction to begin;
  • best estimate of the (financial/social/environmental) impact that the Covid-19 pandemic would have on the project and on local industry associated with the project;
  • whether the project had already benefited from, or was likely to benefit from, already announced government-led financial support for businesses (such as the wage subsidy scheme/business finance guarantee scheme); and
  • the top two to three things that the Government could do to help progress the project, including consideration of both financial and non-financial levers, such as lowering regulatory barriers, adjusting government procurement practices, or fast-tracking resource consent processes.