The nine building blocks
Please note: There is an updated version of this framework.
A statement of values A statement of what your organisation stands for and the culture you seek |
Ethical Leadership Visible practising and role-modelling of ethical behaviour |
Code of conduct A translation of the values into behaviours |
Policies and procedures Values embedded into the day-to-day activities and long-term culture of an organisation |
People processes Values are factored into and reinforced by the behaviours that organisations recruit for, reward, and encourage. |
Listen up/speak up When someone speaks up, the organisation listens and responds appropriately |
Integrity roles and responsibilities Roles and responsibilities for managing integrity are assigned across the whole organisation |
Measuring and reporting progress Evaluating whether the desired culture is being demonstrated and can be seen through staff behaviours and work processes |
Assurance and accountability Adequate independent oversight ‘of the whole’ by those charged with governance |