Appendix: Sample Audit and Risk Committee work programme

Setting up a council’s Audit and Risk Committee.
Audit and Risk Committee
Forward work programme 20XX-20XX
This Audit and Risk Committee (the Committee) assists and advises the Governing Body in discharging its responsibility and ownership of governance, risk management and internal control across the council. Responsibilities include reviewing and advising on enterprise risks, health and safety, legal risks, insurance, internal audit and external audit. The Committee monitors compliance, risk management in significant projects and programmes of work and procurements and has oversight of risk management and assurance of CCOs, financial and non- financial reporting, the preparation of the long-term Plan, annual report, and other statutory financial reports.
Areas of work and lead Expected reporting 20XX (dates TBC)
Meeting 1 date Meeting 2 date Meeting 3 date Meeting 4 date Meeting 5
Forward work programme
(for example, lead officer)
Update on overall work programme and previous decisions Update on overall work programme and previous decisions Update on overall work programme and previous decisions Update on overall work programme, and the Committee’s annual performance report Update on overall work programme and previous decisions
Enterprise risks
(for example, Risk team)
Enterprise risk update Enterprise risk update Enterprise risk update
Oversight of CCO Risk
(for example, Risk officer)
CCO quarterly risk report
Attendance by CCO
CCO quarterly risk report
Attendance by CCO
CCO quarterly risk report
Attendance by CCO
CCO annual report on risk (matters raised through annual audit)
Attendance by CCO
CCO quarterly risk report
Attendance by CCO
Health, safety, and well-being
(for example, Head of Health, Safety, and Well-being)
Health, safety, and well-being update Health, safety, and well-being update Health, safety, and well-being update Health, safety, and well-being update
Legal risks
(for example, General Counsel)
Legal risk update Legal risk update
(for example, Manager of insurance)
Update on insurance Indicative insurance renewal report Update to Committee post placement of insurance programme
Assurance and internal audit
(for example, Internal Auditor)
Assurance service strategy and audit programme reporting
Assurance activities update
Assurance charter and interim audit plan Assurance activities update Assurance charter and audit plan for the upcoming year
Annual report
(for example, CFO)
This year’s annual report arrangements Annual report update

Proforma annual report
Annual report update

Audit NZ interim audit management report
Annual report Upcoming audit engagement and proposal letters, next year’s arrangements, and final audit management report
Annual budget
(for example, CFO)
Risk management approach for the annual budget
Long-term Plan
(for example, CFO)
Next year’s draft annual plan
External audit
Office of the Auditor-General
Briefing paper Briefing paper Briefing paper Briefing paper Briefing paper