Summary of suggestions for further improvement

New Zealand Transport Agency: Maintaining and renewing the state highway network – follow-up report.

We consider that it is important that the New Zealand Transport Agency:

1. ensures that Network Outcomes Contracts deliver the intended financial and customer benefits, without a detrimental effect on the market, by:

  • monitoring Network Outcomes Contracts for their effect on market behaviour and pricing and the benefits they deliver, and adjusting the procurement process if necessary;
  • establishing robust baseline information, so that meaningful cost comparisons can be made; and
  • ensuring that performance monitoring of Network Outcomes Contracts happens in practice, by consistently and accurately reporting the results of performance monitoring of the Network Outcomes Contracts to suppliers, and enforcing any required performance improvements.

2. completes its work to improve the quality of the asset information that it collects, holds, and uses to make decisions about spending priorities for asset maintenance and renewal across the state highway network.