What is your age? |
What is your gender? |
What sector do you operate in? |
What is the total annual expenditure of your organisation? |
How many employees does your organisation have? |
Do you use social media personally (non-business)? |
Which social media activities do you engage in personally (non-business)? |
Note: Respondents could choose more than one answer, so the responses will not add up to 100%.
Do you use social media for professional (business) purposes? |
Which social media activities do you engage in for business purposes? |
Note: Respondents could choose more than one answer, so the responses will not add up to 100%.
Where in your organisation does the lead responsibility for social media sit? |
Note: Figures have been rounded to whole percentages and may not add up exactly to 100%.
How many levels of management are between you and the staff member you think of as ‘Head of social media’? |
Does your organisation have a social media strategy? |
Is progress of the social media strategy monitored by the senior leadership team? |
Do you think your social media strategy links explicitly to your business outcomes? |
Note: Figures have been rounded to whole percentages and may not add up exactly to 100%.
Do you think that social media presents opportunities beyond marketing and communications, for example wider transformation of your business model? |
Which statement best describes your consideration of how social media could transform your business processes? |
Note: Figures have been rounded to whole percentages and may not add up exactly to 100%.
In what way does your organisation use social media to support its business activities? |
Note: Respondents could choose more than one answer, so the responses will not add up to 100%.
Has your organisation adopted a formal policy on social media? |
Thinking about the senior leadership team, would you say it |
Note: Figures have been rounded to whole percentages and may not add up exactly to 100%.
How frequently does the senior leadership team discuss social media as a substantive agenda item? |
Note: Figures have been rounded to whole percentages and may not add up exactly to 100%.
On behalf of the organisation, have you ever used social media to make a public announcement or to engage with stakeholders or service users? |
Did you know that social media guidance and a toolkit is available from the Department for Internal Affairs' (DIA) website? |