Auditor-General's overview
I am pleased to submit this Annual Plan for 2013/14.
During 2012/13, my Office carried out work on the theme Our future needs – is the public sector ready? to see how well the public sector was preparing for the future. We will conclude that work by the end of 2013.
For our 2013/14 work programme, we are proposing a focus on Service Delivery, to see how well the public sector is providing services to the public of New Zealand. This focus on service delivery is in the context of the shifting shape of the public sector, and changes in the way that services are being delivered that are adding complexity and risk as well as presenting opportunities for the public sector.
We intend to continue our recent practice of producing sector reports to draw on and summarise the results of all the audit and assurance work we carry out. These reports are including greater analysis of the financial and performance results of public entities. By reusing the results of our work through varying ways of reporting and analysis, we are finding that we can provide more insight and information for a greater range of audiences.
As an independent audit institution, we expect to play an important role in promoting transparency and accountability in our society. We aim to have a positive effect on trust in society, by carrying out work that is credible and of high quality.
Strategy for 2013–17
We have a new Auditor-General's Strategy for 2013–17 and will start implementing it in 2013. The four strategic goals are:
- Stronger public sector – strengthening accountability, integrity, and transparency in the public sector;
- Citizen focus – demonstrating ongoing relevance to citizens and other stakeholders;
- Being a model organisation; and
- Positioning for the future by addressing fundamental questions and issues, and exploring options for auditing in the public sector.
Consultation with Parliament
I consulted the Speaker and select committees about my proposed work programme, and thank them all for their consideration. The Education and Science Committee, Health Committee, Local Government and Environment Committee, Primary Production Committee, and Social Services Committee all provided feedback, and this final plan now takes account of the comments they made.
Consultation with Parliament helps me to ensure that the work we do in addition to our annual audit work will be relevant and useful to Parliament, public entities, and the public. It is an important way in which I can continue to ensure that the work of my Office remains relevant and responsive to the needs of my key stakeholders – Parliament and the public.
This Annual Plan 2013/14 includes my Statement of Intent 2013–2016 (SOI), which was presented to the House of Representatives at the time of the Budget this year. The SOI includes the forecast financial and service performance for my Office for 2013/14.
Concluding comments
My staff and audit service providers will continue to strive for reports that contribute positively to more effective and efficient use of public resources. They have the support and confidence of the Deputy Controller and Auditor-General and myself.

Lyn Provost
Controller and Auditor-General
24 June 2013
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