Key terms in this report
Summary of our fraud survey results for State-owned enterprises.
Key terms in this report
Summary of our fraud survey results for State-owned enterprises.
In the text, tables, and graphs in this report, when we refer to central government entities or the wider central government sector, we mean the 11 different types of entities that we grouped together for analysis. They were:
- autonomous Crown entities;
- central government – other;
- Crown agents or companies;
- Crown research institutes;
- district health boards;
- government departments;
- independent Crown entities;
- Māori Trust Boards;
- Rural Education Activities Programmes;
- State-owned enterprises; and
- tertiary education institutions.
When we refer to all local government entities or the wider local government sector, we mean the eight different types of entities that we grouped together for analysis. They were:
- airports;
- council-controlled organisations and council-controlled trading organisations;
- electricity lines businesses;
- fish and game councils;
- licensing trusts and community trusts;
- local authorities;
- local government – other; and
- port companies.
We also refer to all public entities and the wider public sector, which mean all the types of entities covered by our survey – local and central government and schools. |
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