Appendix 1: Tables of government department survey data
Government departments were within our central government sector, which was made up of 11 different entity types. The other 10 entity types were district health boards, Crown agents, autonomous Crown entities, independent Crown entities, central government – other, Maori Trust Boards, Rural Education Activities Programmes, Crown research institutes, tertiary education institutions, and State-owned enterprises.
These 11 entity types made up 45% of the total number of respondents from all public entities. The other respondents were working in schools (32.7%) and local government entities (22.3%).
The government department respondents represented 10.4% of the total respondents. The following graphs and tables compare the government department results with the wider central government sector and the public sector overall.
We have rounded the percentages to the nearest whole number, so the percentages may not always add to 100.
1. My organisation has a Fraud Policy.

Yes | No | Don't know | Total | ||||
Government departments | 118 | 79% | 9 | 6% | 22 | 15% | 149 |
Central government | 539 | 83% | 38 | 6% | 69 | 11% | 646 |
All public entities | 1143 | 79% | 135 | 9% | 169 | 12% | 1447 |
2. The Fraud Policy is communicated regularly (annually or biannually).

Yes | No | Don't know | Total | ||||
Government departments | 60 | 50% | 42 | 35% | 17 | 14% | 119 |
Central government | 338 | 63% | 140 | 26% | 59 | 11% | 537 |
All public entities | 735 | 64% | 295 | 26% | 113 | 10% | 1143 |
3. My organisation has a staff Code of Conduct.

Yes | No | Don't know | Total | ||||
Government departments | 146 | 98% | 1 | 1% | 2 | 1% | 149 |
Central government | 611 | 95% | 22 | 3% | 10 | 2% | 643 |
All public entities | 1321 | 92% | 86 | 6% | 35 | 2% | 1442 |
4. The staff Code of Conduct is communicated regularly (annually or biannually).

Yes | No | Don't know | Total | ||||
Government departments | 103 | 71% | 35 | 24% | 8 | 5% | 146 |
Central government | 413 | 68% | 143 | 23% | 54 | 9% | 610 |
All public entities | 921 | 70% | 286 | 22% | 115 | 9% | 1322 |
5. My organisation has a clear policy on accepting gifts or services.

Yes | No | Don't know | Total | ||||
Government departments | 144 | 97% | 2 | 1% | 3 | 2% | 149 |
Central government | 579 | 90% | 33 | 5% | 30 | 5% | 642 |
All public entities | 1025 | 71% | 266 | 18% | 149 | 10% | 1440 |
6. Receiving gifts, free or heavily discounted services, or preferential treatment because of my role in my organisation is …

Note: The “right” answer to this question is a response that is in keeping with the relevant organisation’s gifts policy.
7. My organisation has designated a person who is responsible for fraud risks, including investigation.

Yes | No | Don't know | Total | ||||
Government departments | 99 | 67% | 21 | 14% | 27 | 18% | 147 |
Central government | 472 | 74% | 73 | 11% | 95 | 15% | 640 |
All public entities | 971 | 68% | 258 | 18% | 206 | 14% | 1435 |
8. I am confident that managers in my organisation understand their responsibilities for preventing and detecting the risks of fraud and corruption.

Yes | No | Don't know | Total | ||||
Government departments | 126 | 86% | 10 | 7% | 11 | 7% | 147 |
Central government | 565 | 88% | 41 | 6% | 34 | 5% | 640 |
All public entities | 1282 | 89% | 80 | 6% | 72 | 5% | 1434 |
9. I am confident that other employees understand their responsibilities for preventing and detecting the risks of fraud and corruption.

Yes | No | Don't know | Total | ||||
Government departments | 105 | 71% | 18 | 12% | 24 | 16% | 147 |
Central government | 447 | 70% | 90 | 14% | 103 | 16% | 640 |
All public entities | 1049 | 73% | 181 | 13% | 204 | 14% | 1434 |
10. My organisation reviews its fraud controls on a regular basis (annually or biannually).

Yes | No | Don't know | Total | ||||
Government departments | 78 | 53% | 16 | 11% | 53 | 36% | 147 |
Central government | 449 | 70% | 43 | 7% | 147 | 23% | 639 |
All public entities | 960 | 67% | 178 | 12% | 295 | 21% | 1433 |
11. My organisation takes a proactive approach to preventing fraud and corruption.

Yes | No | Don't know | Total | ||||
Government departments | 104 | 71% | 18 | 12% | 25 | 17% | 147 |
Central government | 494 | 77% | 61 | 10% | 83 | 13% | 638 |
All public entities | 1105 | 77% | 164 | 11% | 162 | 11% | 1431 |
12. New employees at my organisation undergo pre-employment screening that includes criminal history checks.

Yes | No | Don't know | Total | ||||
Government departments | 109 | 74% | 21 | 14% | 17 | 12% | 147 |
Central government | 394 | 62% | 148 | 23% | 96 | 15% | 638 |
All public entities | 1016 | 71% | 251 | 18% | 164 | 11% | 1431 |
13. I have had fraud awareness training at my current organisation.

Yes | No | Don't know | Total | ||||
Government departments | 34 | 23% | 108 | 73% | 5 | 3% | 147 |
Central government | 169 | 26% | 452 | 71% | 17 | 3% | 638 |
All public entities | 338 | 24% | 1057 | 74% | 36 | 3% | 1431 |
14. The fraud awareness training that I received at my current organisation was …

15. My organisation carries out due diligence on new suppliers, including credit checks and checks for conflicts of interest.

Yes | No | Don't know | Total | ||||
Government departments | 68 | 46% | 18 | 12% | 61 | 41% | 147 |
Central government | 328 | 51% | 114 | 18% | 196 | 31% | 638 |
All public entities | 680 | 48% | 366 | 26% | 385 | 27% | 1431 |
16. My organisation encourages staff to come forward if they see or suspect fraud or corruption.

Yes | No | Don't know | Total | ||||
Government departments | 125 | 86% | 6 | 4% | 15 | 10% | 146 |
Central government | 556 | 87% | 36 | 6% | 45 | 7% | 637 |
All public entities | 1258 | 88% | 72 | 5% | 100 | 7% | 1430 |
17. The culture at my organisation is such that I would be willing to raise any concerns that I may have regarding fraud or corruption and I know that my concerns will be taken seriously and I would not suffer any retaliation.
Yes | No | Don't know | Total | ||||
Government departments | 138 | 95% | 3 | 2% | 5 | 3% | 146 |
Central government | 604 | 95% | 12 | 2% | 21 | 3% | 637 |
All public entities | 1357 | 95% | 21 | 1% | 50 | 4% | 1428 |
18. My organisation has a Protected Disclosures Policy (or similar).

Yes | No | Don't know | Total | ||||
Government departments | 110 | 75% | 6 | 4% | 30 | 21% | 146 |
Central government | 475 | 75% | 38 | 6% | 124 | 19% | 637 |
All public entities | 1017 | 71% | 114 | 8% | 297 | 21% | 1428 |
19. There is a whistleblower hotline at my organisation.

Yes | No | Don't know | Total | ||||
Government departments | 20 | 14% | 93 | 64% | 33 | 23% | 146 |
Central government | 93 | 15% | 438 | 69% | 106 | 17% | 637 |
All public entities | 166 | 12% | 1067 | 75% | 195 | 14% | 1428 |
20. When fraud or corruption risks are raised at my organisation, my organisation takes proactive steps to reduce the risk.

Yes | No | Don't know | Total | ||||
Government departments | 134 | 92% | 2 | 1% | 9 | 6% | 145 |
Central government | 595 | 94% | 5 | 1% | 36 | 6% | 636 |
All public entities | 1236 | 87% | 10 | 1% | 182 | 13% | 1428 |
21. Credit card expenditure is closely monitored.

Yes | No | Don't know | Total | ||||
Government departments | 134 | 92% | 2 | 1% | 9 | 6% | 145 |
Central government | 595 | 94% | 5 | 1% | 36 | 6% | 636 |
All public entities | 1280 | 90% | 46 | 3% | 100 | 7% | 1426 |
22. Staff expenses are closely monitored.

Yes | No | Don't know | Total | ||||
Government departments | 139 | 96% | 1 | 1% | 5 | 3% | 145 |
Central government | 616 | 97% | 7 | 1% | 13 | 2% | 636 |
All public entities | 1381 | 97% | 15 | 1% | 30 | 2% | 1426 |
23. Should a fraud or corruption incident occur at my organisation, the investigation is conducted by ...

24. Management communicates incidents of fraud to all staff at my organisation.

Yes | No | Don't know | Total | ||||
Government departments | 32 | 22% | 66 | 46% | 47 | 32% | 145 |
Central government | 175 | 28% | 259 | 41% | 202 | 32% | 636 |
All public entities | 416 | 29% | 546 | 38% | 464 | 33% | 1426 |
25. I am aware of fraud or corruption incidents in the last two years that have gone unreported by my organisation.

Yes | No | Don't know | Total | ||||
Government departments | 3 | 2% | 134 | 92% | 8 | 6% | 145 |
Central government | 11 | 2% | 590 | 93% | 35 | 6% | 636 |
All public entities | 22 | 2% | 1345 | 94% | 59 | 4% | 1426 |
26. I am aware of fraud or corruption incidents in the last two years that have been reported but gone unpunished by my organisation.

Yes | No | Don't know | Total | ||||
Government departments | 1 | 1% | 131 | 90% | 13 | 9% | 145 |
Central government | 10 | 2% | 582 | 92% | 43 | 7% | 635 |
All public entities | 26 | 2% | 1324 | 93% | 75 | 5% | 1425 |
27. Inappropriate or personal credit card expenditure is taken very seriously and results in disciplinary action.

Yes | No | Don't know | Total | ||||
Government departments | 117 | 81% | 4 | 3% | 24 | 17% | 145 |
Central government | 548 | 86% | 15 | 2% | 72 | 11% | 635 |
All public entities | 1179 | 83% | 47 | 3% | 199 | 14% | 1425 |
28. Inappropriate expense claims or expense claims for personal purchases is taken very seriously and results in disciplinary action.

Yes | No | Don't know | Total | ||||
Government departments | 116 | 80% | 3 | 2% | 26 | 18% | 145 |
Central government | 543 | 86% | 18 | 3% | 74 | 12% | 635 |
All public entities | 1219 | 86% | 37 | 3% | 168 | 12% | 1424 |
29. I am confident that my organisation will take all reasonable action to recover any money lost through fraud or corruption.

Yes | No | Don't know | Total | ||||
Government departments | 122 | 84% | 2 | 1% | 21 | 14% | 145 |
Central government | 580 | 91% | 9 | 1% | 46 | 7% | 635 |
All public entities | 1319 | 93% | 18 | 1% | 87 | 6% | 1424 |
30. I am confident that incidents of fraud and corruption that occur at my organisation will be reported to the Police.

Yes | No | Don't know | Total | ||||
Government departments | 101 | 70% | 8 | 6% | 36 | 25% | 145 |
Central government | 485 | 76% | 32 | 5% | 118 | 19% | 635 |
All public entities | 1115 | 78% | 75 | 5% | 234 | 16% | 1424 |
31. Internal controls are reviewed as part of every fraud investigation.

Yes | No | Don't know | Total | ||||
Government departments | 87 | 60% | 3 | 2% | 55 | 38% | 145 |
Central government | 438 | 69% | 8 | 1% | 189 | 30% | 635 |
All public entities | 1005 | 71% | 29 | 2% | 390 | 27% | 1424 |
32. How many incidents of fraud or corruption are you aware of at your organisation in the last two years?

No instances | 1 or more | Total | |||
Government departments | 90 | 62% | 55 | 38% | 145 |
Central government | 454 | 72% | 180 | 28% | 634 |
All public entities | 1102 | 77% | 320 | 23% | 1422 |
33. What is the total dollar amount of all incidents of fraud and corruption that you are aware have occurred at your organisation within the last two years?

Less than $10,000 | $10,001 - $100,000 | More than $100,000 | Don't know | Total | |||||
Government departments | 25 | 46% | 12 | 22% | 3 | 5% | 15 | 27% | 55 |
Central government | 100 | 56% | 28 | 16% | 15 | 8% | 37 | 20% | 180 |
All public entities | 199 | 62% | 45 | 14% | 17 | 5% | 59 | 19% | 320 |
34. In the most recent incident of fraud or corruption within your organisation that you are aware of, the main perpetrator(s) was ...

Internal (within the organisation) | External (outside the organisation) | Combination of external and internal (collusion) | Don't know | Total | |||||
Government departments | 47 | 85% | 4 | 7% | 2 | 4% | 2 | 4% | 55 |
Central government | 141 | 78% | 23 | 13% | 12 | 7% | 4 | 2% | 180 |
All public entities | 255 | 80% | 34 | 11% | 24 | 7% | 7 | 2% | 320 |
35. In the most recent incident of fraud or corruption within your organisation that you are aware of and that involved internal parties, the main perpetrator(s) was ...

Government departments | Central government | All public entities | ||||
No. | % | No. | % | No. | % | |
Chief Executive Officer/ Managing Director/Principal | 1 | 2% | 4 | 2% | 8 | 3% |
Member of the senior executive/leadership team or equivalent | 0 | - | 3 | 2% | 7 | 2% |
Line manager | 7 | 13% | 19 | 11% | 36 | 11% |
Admin support services | 13 | 24% | 46 | 25% | 71 | 22% |
Operational staff | 27 | 49% | 83 | 46% | 148 | 46% |
Other | 7 | 13% | 25 | 14% | 50 | 16% |
Total | 55 | 180 | 320 |
36. In the most recent incident of fraud or corruption within your organisation that you are aware of, what type was committed?
Government departments | Central government | All public entities | ||||
No. | % | No. | % | No. | % | |
Theft of cash | 6 | 9% | 37 | 17% | 85 | 21% |
Theft of plant and equipment | 3 | 4% | 13 | 6% | 35 | 9% |
Theft of inventory | 5 | 7% | 14 | 6% | 33 | 8% |
Theft of intellectual property | 3 | 4% | 4 | 2% | 6 | 1% |
Identity crime | 1 | 1% | 7 | 3% | 7 | 2% |
Fraudulent expense claim | 15 | 22% | 38 | 17% | 55 | 14% |
Fraudulent misuse of a credit card | 12 | 17% | 23 | 10% | 31 | 8% |
Fraudulent misuse of a fuel card | 3 | 4% | 9 | 4% | 17 | 4% |
False invoicing | 6 | 9% | 23 | 10% | 34 | 8% |
Payroll fraud | 6 | 9% | 20 | 9% | 38 | 9% |
Supplying false credentials | 1 | 1% | 6 | 3% | 7 | 2% |
False claim for benefit | 1 | 1% | 2 | 1% | 2 | 0% |
Financial statement fraud (overstatements) | 0 | - | 0 | - | 2 | 0% |
Financial statement fraud (understatements) | 0 | - | 0 | - | 1 | 0% |
Conflicts of interest | 5 | 7% | 17 | 8% | 27 | 7% |
Provision of false information or fraudulent alteration of documents | 0 | - | 3 | 1% | 9 | 2% |
Don't know | 2 | 3% | 5 | 2% | 13 | 3% |
Total | 69 | 221 | 402 |
Theft of plant and equipment – such as computers, personal items etc.
Theft of intellectual property – such as confidential information/business information.
Identity crime – either misusing another person's identity or using a false identity.
False invoicing – either internally or externally created.
Payroll fraud – such as falsifying electronic or physical documents such as timesheets, annual leave returns, student numbers, payroll forms etc.
Supplying false credentials – such as a false CV etc.
False claim for benefit – such as ACC, Housing etc.
Conflicts of interest – such as paying or receiving backhanders, receiving undeclared gifts or services to influence decision making or in return for preferential treatment etc.
37. In the most recent incident of fraud or corruption within your organisation that you are aware of, how was it detected?
Government departments | Central government | All public entities | ||||
No. | % | No. | % | No. | % | |
Whistleblowing system | 3 | 4% | 10 | 4% | 12 | 3% |
Internal tip-off | 13 | 19% | 46 | 20% | 80 | 20% |
External tip-off | 7 | 10% | 20 | 9% | 40 | 10% |
Change of duties/ personnel | 2 | 3% | 11 | 5% | 17 | 4% |
Accident (i.e. luck) | 4 | 6% | 9 | 4% | 17 | 4% |
Internal control systems | 27 | 39% | 84 | 37% | 144 | 36% |
Internal audit | 5 | 7% | 20 | 9% | 41 | 10% |
External audit | 0 | - | 2 | 1% | 3 | 1% |
Fraud detection system | 4 | 6% | 9 | 4% | 15 | 4% |
Don't know | 5 | 7% | 14 | 6% | 26 | 7% |
Total | 70 | 100% | 225 | 100% | 395 | 100% |
38. In the most recent incident of fraud or corruption within your organisation that you are aware of, what was the estimated dollar amount involved?
Government departments | Central government | All public entities | ||||
No. | % | No. | % | No. | % | |
No monetary loss | 4 | 7% | 26 | 14% | 48 | 15% |
Less than $1,000 | 21 | 38% | 54 | 30% | 104 | 33% |
Between $1,000 and $10,000 | 12 | 22% | 50 | 28% | 90 | 28% |
Between $10,001 and $50,000 | 2 | 4% | 9 | 5% | 16 | 5% |
Between $50,001 and $100,000 | 3 | 5% | 4 | 2% | 7 | 2% |
Between $100,001 and $500,000 | 3 | 5% | 7 | 4% | 7 | 2% |
More than $500,000 | 0 | - | 2 | 1% | 3 | 1% |
Don't know | 10 | 19% | 28 | 16% | 44 | 14% |
Total | 55 | 100% | 180 | 100% | 319 | 100% |
39. In the most recent incident of fraud or corruption within your organisation that you are aware of, what was the main reason that enabled it to occur?
Government departments | Central government | All public entities | ||||
No. | % | No. | % | No. | % | |
Inadequate internal control policies and procedures | 3 | 5% | 14 | 8% | 26 | 8% |
Internal control policies and procedures not followed | 22 | 40% | 59 | 33% | 85 | 27% |
Poor segregation of duties | 0 | - | 6 | 3% | 10 | 3% |
Easy access to cash | 2 | 4% | 7 | 4% | 19 | 6% |
Management override of controls | 4 | 7% | 7 | 4% | 15 | 5% |
It was a new type of fraud that our organisation was unprepared for | 0 | - | 4 | 2% | 12 | 4% |
Person didn't think they would get caught | 21 | 38% | 68 | 39% | 127 | 40% |
Don't know | 3 | 6% | 12 | 7% | 22 | 7% |
Total | 55 | 100% | 177 | 100% | 316 | 100% |
40. In the most recent incident of fraud or corruption within your organisation that you are aware of, what action was taken against the perpetrator(s)?
Government departments | Central government | All public entities | ||||
No. | % | No. | % | No. | % | |
No action was taken | 1 | 2% | 5 | 3% | 14 | 5% |
Insufficient evidence or culprit not identified | 0 | - | 7 | 4% | 10 | 3% |
Decision/action pending | 4 | 7% | 10 | 6% | 15 | 5% |
Allowed to resign and not reported to relevant authorities | 6 | 11% | 20 | 11% | 35 | 11% |
Allowed to resign but reported to relevant authorities | 6 | 11% | 14 | 8% | 23 | 7% |
Disciplined without any report to relevant authorities | 3 | 6% | 16 | 9% | 40 | 13% |
Disciplined and reported to relevant authorities | 5 | 9% | 13 | 7% | 19 | 6% |
Dismissed without any report to relevant authorities | 6 | 11% | 21 | 12% | 44 | 14% |
Dismissed and reported to relevant authorities | 13 | 24% | 45 | 26% | 81 | 26% |
Don't know | 10 | 19% | 23 | 13% | 30 | 10% |
Total | 54 | 100% | 174 | 100% | 311 | 100% |
41. I feel secure in my job.

Yes | No | Don't know | Total | ||||
Government departments | 131 | 90% | 10 | 7% | 4 | 3% | 145 |
Central government | 577 | 91% | 34 | 5% | 22 | 3% | 633 |
All public entities | 1341 | 94% | 46 | 3% | 33 | 2% | 1420 |
42. Budgetary constraints mean that my team has to achieve higher targets with fewer resources.

Yes | No | Don't know | Total | ||||
Government departments | 118 | 81% | 24 | 17% | 3 | 2% | 145 |
Central government | 465 | 73% | 150 | 24% | 18 | 3% | 633 |
All public entities | 943 | 66% | 423 | 30% | 54 | 4% | 1420 |