Appendix 2: Public entities with a core role in the education sector
The Ministry of Education (the Ministry) is the central government agency responsible for putting into action the Government's priorities for education. The Ministry does this by:
- providing education policy advice to the Minister of Education and the Government;
- allocating funding and resources to schools and early childhood education providers;
- overseeing and supporting the implementation of approved education policies;
- managing special education services;
- carrying out research;
- collecting and processing education statistics and information; and
- monitoring the effectiveness of the education system.
The Tertiary Education Commission (the TEC) is the government agency responsible for managing the tertiary education sector. All forms of post-school education and training come under the TEC's umbrella. These forms include full-time academic study, on-the-job and work-related training, tertiary research and development, foundation education, distance education, and part-time study.
The TEC interacts more directly with TEIs than the Ministry does, and implements the Strategy. The TEC works with TEIs (and also the private providers of tertiary education) to agree investment plans that outline how they will respond to the Strategy.
The TEC's chief executive has statutory responsibilities for monitoring and assessing the operations and ongoing viability of TEIs. To do this, the TEC:
- monitors TEIs' financial, educational, governance, and management performance;
- advises the Minister for Tertiary Education on appointments to councils; and
- provides statutory intervention advice to the Minister and implements any decisions made by the Minister.
The Education Review Office (ERO) is a quality assurance agency that reviews schools and early childhood education services, and publishes national reports on current education practice.
The New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA) manages the New Zealand Qualifications Framework, administers the secondary school assessment system, provides independent quality assurance of non-university education providers, qualifications recognition, standard-setting for some specified unit standards, and develops qualifications in specific fields.
The New Zealand Teachers Council is the professional and regulatory body for teachers. It provides professional leadership and capability development for teachers to ensure a safe, high-quality teaching and learning environment for children and other learners. It also manages teacher registration.
Careers New Zealand is the government agency responsible for leading career development for New Zealanders.
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