Note 13: Employee entitlements

Annual Report for the year ended 30 June 2009.
Current employee entitlements comprise:
1,153 Salary and other accruals 1,721
1,659 Annual leave 2,034
63 Long service leave 94
148 Time off in lieu of overtime worked 146
116 Retiring/resigning leave 35
87 Sick leave 80
3,226 Total current portion 4,110
Non-current employee entitlements comprise:
31 Long service leave 30
619 Retiring/resigning leave 487
650 Total non-current portion 517
3,876 Total employee entitlements 4,627

The present value of the retirement and long service leave obligations depends on a number of factors that are determined on an actuarial basis using a number of assumptions. Two key assumptions used in calculating this liability include the discount rate and the salary inflation factor. Any changes in these assumptions will affect the carrying amount of the liability.

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