Putting a national strategy into practice can be difficult. It demands the careful management of many complex relationships. The task involves reconciling the interests and priorities of different organisations, providing opportunities for them to work together, and encouraging each to take responsibility for its part in implementing the strategy. The Accident Compensation Corporation faced these challenges when it took up its role as lead agency in the implementation of the national falls prevention strategy, Preventing Injury from Falls: The National Strategy 2005/2015.
During the past 12 months, ACC has provided a sound foundation for the Strategy through an implementation plan. In particular, it has created strong relationships with the various agencies and organisations with an interest in falls prevention, and is beginning to align its own injury prevention programmes more closely to the goals of the Strategy.
However, I have identified two matters to which ACC needs to give priority. Firstly, further measures are needed to strengthen ACC’s leadership role. In recent years I have carried out a number of audits looking at the implementation of strategies.
These audits have identified the difficulties for lead agencies in securing the commitment of different stakeholders and holding partner agencies accountable for their role in delivering a strategy. ACC faces such challenges in leading the implementation of the Strategy. In my view, a formal protocol between ACC and the relevant agencies would provide the impetus needed for a shared implementation of the Strategy.
Secondly, ACC needs to finalise a framework and methodology for evaluating the results of the implementation activities.
ACC has responded positively to my report, and is committed to acting on the recommendations and other matters I have noted for their consideration.
I thank ACC staff for their help and co-operation.

K B Brady
Controller and Auditor-General
11 June 2008
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