Appendix 1: Selected publications and websites

Sustainable development: Implementing the Programme of Action.

Publications by the Controller and Auditor-General addressing cross-agency work

Local Authorities Working Together (2004), Wellington.

Key Success Factors for Effective Co-ordination and Collaboration Between Public Sector Agencies (2003), Wellington.

Co-ordination and Collaboration in the Criminal Justice Sector (2003), Wellington.

Reporting Public Sector Performance (2001), Wellington.

First Report for 2000: Health, School Boards, and Impact Evaluation, parliamentary paper B.29[00a], Wellington.

Third Report for 1998: Part 4: Delivering Effective Outputs for Māori, parliamentary paper B.29[98c], Wellington.

Other publications

Auditor-General Victoria (2004), Beyond the Triple Bottom Line, Measuring and Reporting on Sustainability, Occasional Paper, Victoria, Australia.

Auditor General of Canada (2005, November), Report to the House of Commons. Chapter 4, Managing Horizontal Initiatives, Office of the Auditor General of Canada, Ottawa, Canada.

CIPFA and Forum for the Future (2006), Sustainability: A Reporting Framework for the Public Services, The Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy, London.

Craig, D. and Courtney, M. (2004), The Potential of Partnership, Key Learnings and Ways Forward. Local Partnerships and Governance, Waitakere City Council, Local Partnerships and Governance Research Group.

Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet (2003, January), Sustainable Development for New Zealand: Programme of Action.

Global Reporting Initiative (2000-2006), Sustainability Reporting Guidelines, RG, Global Reporting Initiative, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

HM Government (2005), The UK Government Sustainable Development Strategy, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, United Kingdom.

International Organisation of Supreme Audit Institutions, The World Summit on Sustainable Development: An Audit Guide for Supreme Audit Institutions, INTOSAI Working Group on Environmental Auditing. The proposed publication date for this report is November 2007.

Landcare (2005, March), Sustainable development, the challenge for public policy, Output 1: Documentation of the Sustainable Development Programme of Action, Landcare Research Contract Report: LC0405/080.

Landcare (2006, October), Implications of the Sustainable Development Programme of Action. Landcare Research Contract Report: LC0607/015.

National Audit Office (2006, May), Regulatory Impact Assessments and Sustainable Development, Briefing for the Environmental Audit Committee, United Kingdom.

Netherlands Ministry of Environment and Ministry of Finance (2004), Sustainable Action, the Sustainable Development Action Programme, Progress Report (to House of Representatives) 2004. Available on website

Niestroy, I. (2005), Sustaining Sustainability, Background Study, No. 2. Commissioned by European Environment and Sustainable Development Advisory Councils, Uitgeverij Lemma, Utrecht. [This is a benchmark study on national strategies towards sustainable development in nine European Union member states and their link to the European Union Sustainable Development Strategies. It focuses on the governance of sustainability including horizontal and vertical co-ordination, and the links between government and non-governmental organisations.]

O’Leary, R. Bingham, L. and Gerard, C. (Eds.) (2006, December), Public Administration Review Special Issue on Collaborative Public Management, American Society for Public Administration.

Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment (2002, June), Creating Our Future: Sustainable Development for New Zealand, Office of the Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment, Wellington, New Zealand.

Regeringskansliet (2004), A Swedish Strategy for Sustainable Development Government Communication 2003/04:129, Swedish Ministry of the Environment, Sweden.

Swanson, D. and Pinter, L. (2004), National Strategies for Sustainable Development: Challenges, Approaches and Innovations in Strategic and Co-ordinated Action, International Institute for Sustainable Development, Stratos Inc, Environmental Policy Research Centre of the Freie Universitat Berlin, and German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development.

Sustainable Development Commission (2006), On the Move, Review 2005-2006, London. Available on website

Sustainable Development Commission (2005), SDC Assessment Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, Sustainable Development Action Plan. London. Available on website

United Kingdom House of Commons Environment Committee (2005), The World Summit on Sustainable Development 2002: A UK Progress Report. Third Report of Session 2004-05, London.

United Kingdom National Audit Office, Canadian Office of the Auditor General (2004), Sustainable Development: The Role of Supreme Audit Institutions, International Organisation of Supreme Audit Institutions. Available on website


Auckland Programme:

European sustainable development network:

Global Reporting Initiative:

International environmental auditing:

UK Sustainable Development Commission:

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