1.5 Non-standard audit reports issued
In this article, we discuss the non-standard audit reports issued on the annual
financial reports of entities that are within the local government portfolio.1
Our discussion covers non-standard audit reports issued during the 2006 calendar year.
Why are we reporting this information?
An audit report is addressed to the readers of an entity’s financial report. However,
all public entities are ultimately accountable to Parliament, including for their use
of public money and for their use of any statutory powers or other authority given
to them by Parliament. We therefore consider it important to draw Parliament’s
attention to the range of matters that give rise to non-standard audit reports.
In each case, the issues underlying a non-standard audit report are drawn to the
attention of the entity and discussed with its governing body.
What is a non-standard audit report?
A non-standard audit report2 is one that contains:
- a qualified opinion; and/or
- an explanatory paragraph.
The auditor expresses a qualified opinion, as opposed to an unqualified opinion
(which is issued when the auditor is satisfied, in all material respects, with the
matters outlined in the financial report), because of:
- a disagreement between the auditor and the entity about the treatment or disclosure of a matter in the financial report; or
- a limitation in scope because the auditor has been unable to obtain enough evidence to support, and accordingly is unable to express, an opinion on the financial report or a part of the financial report.
There are three types of qualified opinions:
- an “adverse” opinion (see paragraph 1.511);
- a “disclaimer of opinion” (see paragraph 1.513); and
- an “except-for” opinion (see paragraph 1.514).
The auditor will include an explanatory paragraph (see paragraph 1.516) in the
audit report to emphasise a matter such as:
- a breach of law; or
- a fundamental uncertainty.
Auditors are required to ensure that an explanatory paragraph is included in the
audit report in such a way that it cannot be mistaken for a qualified opinion.
Figure 1.6 outlines the decisions to be made in considering the appropriate form
of audit report.
Figure 1.6
Audit report options

Adverse opinion
An adverse opinion is expressed when there is disagreement between the auditor
and the entity about the treatment or disclosure of a matter in the financial
report and, in the auditor’s judgement, the treatment or disclosure is so material
or pervasive that the report is seriously misleading.
Expression of an adverse opinion represents the most serious type of non-standard
audit report.
Disclaimer of opinion
A disclaimer of opinion is expressed when the possible effect of a limitation in the
scope of the auditor’s examination is so material or pervasive that the auditor has
not been able to obtain enough evidence to support, and accordingly is unable to
express, an opinion on the financial report.
Except-for opinion
An except-for opinion is expressed when the auditor concludes that either:
- the possible effect of a limitation on the scope of the auditor’s examination is, or may be, material, but is not so significant as to require a disclaimer of opinion – in which case the opinion is qualified by using the words “except for the effects of any adjustments that might have been found necessary” had the limitation not affected the evidence available to the auditor; or
- the effect of the treatment or disclosure of a matter with which the auditor disagrees is, or may be, material, but is not, in the auditor’s judgement, so significant as to require an adverse opinion – in which case the opinion is qualified by using the words “except for the effects of” the matter giving rise to the disagreement.
An except-for opinion can be expressed when the auditor concludes that a breach
of statutory obligations has occurred and that the breach is material to the
reader’s understanding of the financial report. An example of this is where a local
authority subsidiary has breached the requirements of the Local Government Act
2002 because it has not prepared a statement of intent and it is therefore unable
to prepare performance information that reflects its achievements measured
against performance targets.
Explanatory paragraph
In certain circumstances, it may be appropriate for the auditor to include in
the audit report additional comment, by way of an explanatory paragraph,
to emphasise a matter that is regarded as relevant to a reader’s proper
understanding of an entity’s financial report.
For example, it could be relevant to draw attention to an entity having breached
its statutory obligations for certain matters where that breach may affect or
influence a reader’s understanding of the entity. In this situation, the audit report
would normally draw attention to the breach only when the entity has not clearly
set out the breach in its financial report.
Summary of the non-standard audit reports issued
Figure 1.7 summarises the non-standard audit reports issued during the 2006
calendar year for entities within the local government portfolio. The Appendix
provides the details of those audit reports.
Figure 1.7
Summary of the non-standard audit reports issued
Name of entity | Adverse opinions | Disclaimer of opinion | Except-for opinions | Explanatory paragraphs | |
Hutt City Council and group | X | ||||
Museum Trust Boards | |||||
Southland Museum and Art Gallery Trust Board Incorporated | X | ||||
The Canterbury Museum Trust Board | X | ||||
Otago Museum Trust Board | X | ||||
Council-controlled organisations | |||||
Advance Whangarei Limited | X | ||||
Hawkes Bay Incorporated | X | ||||
Tourism Dunedin Trust | X | ||||
Waitaki District Health Services Trust | X | ||||
Southern Rural Fire Authority | X | ||||
Southland Flood Relief Fund | X | ||||
Invercargill Community Recreation and Sports Trust | X | ||||
Ashburton Stadium Complex Trust | X | ||||
North Shore Domain and North Harbour Stadium Trust Board | X | ||||
MacKenzie Holdings Limited | X | ||||
Waste Disposal Services | X | ||||
Transwaste Canterbury Limited and Group | X | ||||
Tauranga Art Gallery Trust | X | ||||
Waitemata Infrastructure Limited | X | ||||
Richmond Pool Charitable Trust | X | ||||
Carparking Joint Venture | X | ||||
Papakura District Enterprise Board | X | ||||
Data Capture Systems Limited | X | ||||
Taupo District Economic Development Advisory Board | X | ||||
Fish and Game Councils | |||||
North Canterbury Fish & Game Council | X | ||||
Fish and Game New Zealand – West Coast Region | X | ||||
Administering bodies | |||||
Charleston Goldfields Hall Board | X | ||||
Nelson Creek Recreation Reserve Board | X | ||||
Mapiu Domain Board | X | ||||
Lower Kokatahi Hall | X | ||||
Airport companies | |||||
Whangarei District Airport | X | ||||
Hawkes Bay Airport Authority | X | ||||
Taupo Airport Authority | X | ||||
Cemetery Trustees | |||||
Mangere Cemetery Board | X | ||||
Pihama Cemetery Trustees | X | ||||
Warea Cemetery Trustees | X | ||||
Sinking Fund Commissioners | |||||
Rotorua District Council Sinking Funds Commissioner | X | ||||
Whakatane District Council Fund Commissioners | X | ||||
Bay of Plenty Regional Council Sinking Fund Commissioners | X | ||||
Far North District Council Sinking Fund Commissioners | X | ||||
Licensing Trusts | |||||
Otara Licensing Trust | X | ||||
Invercargill Licensing Trust Sports Foundation | X | ||||
Other local government entities | |||||
Montford Trimble Foundation | X | ||||
Hawke’s Bay Cultural Trust (Incorporated) | X | ||||
Wairarapa Cultural Trust | X | ||||
Southland Regional Heritage Committee | X | ||||
Nga Tapuwae Community Facilities Trust | X | ||||
Cooks Gardens Trust Board | X |
Figure 1.7 summarises the non-standard audit reports issued during the period 1 January 2006 to 31 December 2006 for entities within the local government portfolio. The Appendix provides the details of those audit reports.
1: We report separately on entities that are part of the Crown Reporting Entity.
2: A non-standard audit report is issued in accordance with the Institute of Chartered Accountants of New Zealand Auditing Standard No.702: The Audit Report on an Attest Audit.
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