Introduction by the Controller and Auditor-General
My key objectives for 2006-07 are to continue to strengthen the capabilities of the people who work for and with my Office, and to make further progress in advancing my 5-year strategy.
My Five-year Strategic Plan: 1 July 2004 to 30 June 2009 was designed to position my Office to actively anticipate and respond to issues in our environment and to the needs of our stakeholders.
We have made much progress to put in place the infrastructure to support the implementation of the Strategic Plan, and in completing the significant amount of work needed to respond to the legislative and professional changes arising from the Local Government Act 2002, the new public sector management legislation, and the adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards. We have also taken initial steps to enhance the professional and leadership capabilities of our people and to adapt our organisational culture.
There is still further work to be done. I am committed to real change and improvement in the public sector, and this Annual Plan 2006-07 reflects the areas of focus that will help my Office to achieve this goal.
Kevin Brady
Controller and Auditor-General
5 April 2006
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