The following terms or abbreviations are used in this report:
BSL: Brylton Software Limited.
BSL information technology platform: This term describes the underlying e-learning system that BSL used to develop the TIME programme and the COOL programme.
COOL programme: Computing Offered On-Line programme – an education software programme developed by the Joint Venture, based on the TIME programme (see below), comprising 4 short courses on computing skills.
CPIT: Christchurch Polytechnic Institute of Technology. CPIT Council: The governing body of CPIT.
CPIT representatives: This term includes employees of CPIT and independent contractors to CPIT.
EFTS: Equivalent Full Time Students. This is one of the bases upon which tertiary education organisations receive funding from the Government.
Joint Venture: This term refers to the unincorporated joint venture that was formed between CPIT and BSL. It is governed by a written agreement dated 7 October 2003.
Joint Venture Committee: The governing body of the Joint Venture.
Partners in Education: The 85 organisations that signed Heads of Agreement with the Joint Venture to market the COOL programme and to act as enrolment centres for students.
TIME programme: Teachers Integrating Microsoft Efficiently programme – an education software programme designed by BSL, comprising 4 short courses on computing skills for secondary school teachers.
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