Video transcript: How well public organisations are supporting Whānau Ora and whānau-centred approaches

Transcript for a video about our report on Whānau Ora and whānau-centred approaches.

Title: How well public organisations are supporting Whānau Ora and whānau-centred approaches

Ethan McKenzie (Performance Auditor):

Whānau Ora was established in 2010. Since then, there have been several reviews of Whānau Ora that found it has been successful for many whānau.

Following a ministerial review of Whānau Ora, the Minister for Whānau Ora said he wants public organisations to do two things:

  • first, to increase their investment in Whānau Ora; and
  • secondly, to support and implement more whānau-centred approaches generally.

These goals are now part of Te Puni Kōkiri’s strategic focus areas.

We did this audit to find out how well Te Puni Kōkiri and other public organisations are supporting Whānau Ora and whānau-centred approaches.

Overall, we found that Te Puni Kōkiri has made a good start on promoting these approaches, but that public sector support for them has been limited.

Te Puni Kōkiri has hosted whānau-centred policy workshops across the public sector and worked closely with some public organisations on specific whānau-centred initiatives.

Te Puni Kōkiri is also administering parts of Whānau Ora well. There is a clear outcomes framework and accountability arrangements in place for the Whānau Ora commissioning agencies.

Some public organisations are implementing whānau-centred approaches. For example:

  • Paiheretia Te Muka Tāngata, which is an initiative that aims to improve outcomes for young Māori men and their whānau who are engaged in the corrections system; and
  • Ngā Tini Whetū, which is a whānau-centred early support initiative designed to strengthen families and improve the safety and well-being of children.

However, overall, we did not see a significant shift towards supporting or implementing whānau-centred services and initiatives, or a structured consideration of when and where whānau-centred approaches would be appropriate.

In our view, the two main reasons the public sector hasn’t yet shifted the dial are likely to be that:

  • First, there aren’t clear expectations about how public organisations should support Whānau Ora and whānau-centred approaches.
  • Secondly, some public sector processes and practices can make it difficult for public organisations to support Whānau Ora and whānau-centred approaches.

Our seven recommendations ask public organisations to take action to address these two issues, as well as improve the administration of Whānau Ora. They are intended to help the public sector achieve the Minister’s goals to implement more whānau-centred services.

Title: Read our report at

Watch the original video.